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Progress, Challenges, Solutions

Town Accomplishments since taking office in 2020:

New Town Website and .GOV domain

Comprehensive Stormwater management plan underway

GIS Mapping - Publicly on website

New Sewer Treatment Plant Qualified Management

VML Training for Council and Mayor (attendance at VML, Main Street, and Legislative Days)

Historical District Designation - More historical surveying underway

Tree Planting on Colonial Avenue

Purchase of 800 Colonial Avenue to remove blight and reinvest in property assets for the Town's future needs

2020 Comprehensive Plan Adoption

School improvements (bleachers, softball field lighting, security, gym floor)

Small Business grant and federal program assistance - rewrote local incentives

9th Street build-out, new homes, water and sewer infrastructure

Parks and Recreation Department established and parks master plan

Soccer Camps, Tennis Days, Game Nights and Skateboarding Pop-Up

Dodson Phase 1, 2, & 3A build out

Repurposing and remodeling 3 historic buildings Downtown

Parking study, brochure and Klotz lot pavement

Automation of Vehicle License Fee/Decals

New Signage on beach

Eleanor Park Conservation Easement award of $350K grant

Updated business license procedures and tax rates

Capital Improvement Plan implementation

DORA events and Mobilizing Main Street for Downtown Colonial Beach - full designation coming 2025

Grant Writer and Economic Development Manager staffed

Settled lawsuit with Westmoreland Co regarding Sewer Agreement

Golf Cart Path improvements

Shoreline improvements along Irving Ave beach - on-going

US Army Corps of Engineering design for breakwater at North beach (underway)

Refurbish Town Pier after storm damage, on the 3rd year of a 5 year maintenace plan!

Christmas Lights & Hometown Heroes Program on Boardwalk

Updated Planned Unit Development Zoning Ordinance to include affordable housing, wetlands protections, recreational space, and pre-application requirements

Police Department community engagement events

PD Accreditation Officer

PD Guardian Score Program

Replaced broken and expired equipment in PD and PW (A LOT!!!)

Paving Program

Fencing and landscaping improvements at castlewood park

Water mains replaced at Wilkerson’s, 1st street, 6th and 7th streets

Central Drainage Project - $2+ Million replacement of water and sewer lines downtown

Trash Truck maintenance plan, new Trash cans, and sustainable funding to continue town service

Adopted fiscally conservative financial policies

Budget and Audit completed on time and in compliance, better financial position and reserve funds

Town Hall on Town Hill Event, connecting neighbors with government services

Council Communicates - Recap of council meetings

Quarterly Town Updates in Water/Sewer billing to all property owners

$5.4 MILLION grant funded by DEQ for Water/Sewer repairs (underway, more to come)

Governor’s Budget Award in 2022 (1st time ever for Colonial Beach)

Creating an investment fund for ARPA and fund balance to create interest capital

Employee Pay Study and minimum wage to livable wage budgeting underway

Celebrating Black History Month and Juneteenth

Recognizing Veterans on Boardwalk and an approved V3 Virginia Values Veterans Certified Employer

Legislative Agenda Established (1st time in CB)

Annual Strategic Action Plans (available on website)

Regional marketing with Warsaw and Montross, billboards in Richmond

Emergency Training and Preparedness Plan updated

Jet Truck Replaced, daily usage heavy equipment, critical

CBPS Internship Program with local government offices

Water Tower Refurbishments (Maintenance and painting)

Debt consolidation at lowered interest rate before rates increased

Living Shoreline at Robin Grove Park

Handicap mats at beach replaced & Accessibility Expo through Parks and Rec Dept.

Added Short-term rentals to business license procedure and taxation requirements

Signed lease for new rescue squad location on Colonial Avenue

Adopted Economic Development Strategic Goals and Plan, collaborate and support the EDC

New food truck policies for private property and zoning regulations

Senior Discount Program income thresholds increased and aligned with HUD

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