Robin Schick

Sep 8, 2020

Announcement for Mayor Candidacy - Robin Schick

I am announcing my run for the Mayor of Colonial Beach. In these socially restrictive times I am connecting digitally with you for this announcement wishing it could be in person instead. Our, on the ground, literally door-to-door efforts in 2018 made a huge impact in voter turnout in our community. I am so thankful for all the hard work so many put in that year but this year will be different and require mindfulness to the health of ourselves and our neighbors.

I will be updating blog posts on my website and using email and Facebook to listen to connect with residents. I can’t do this alone though and I am still asking for your support as I am required to get the signatures for candidacy turned in before June 9th. Since I won’t be standing outside Foodlion or 711, if you see me around town I will have the signature sheet with me, please stop and sign if you are a town registered voter. We have time and I am hoping the social distancing restrictions are able to be relaxed some before June to complete this task.

Most of all I ask you to just stay positive during this crisis and know we have many things to look forward to here in Colonial Beach. Please note I am running undeclared to any party as I did before. I am honestly exhausted from the party propaganda, especially online, and fear this will only get worse as November approaches driving people to be annoyed by government instead of participating in it! I simply ask we talk to one another online or when possible to your neighbors, ask how they are doing and when able tell them I am running to be their very first female Mayor! ;)

In case you aren’t familiar with my stance on things, I want to be clear and focused on moving our community forward with the following initiatives top of mind:

Beautification efforts along Colonial Avenue and Downtown

Responding to citizen concerns, actively asking for citizen input and action

A plan for comprehensive storm water management and updated GIS mapping

Working as a team with fellow Town Council members to make things happen in joint efforts

The designation of a Historical District downtown

Supporting Drifter Pride among all community residents

Formally adopting and implementing the 2040 updated Comprehensive Plan

Attracting and sustaining localized and unique small businesses

Increasing housing in the classic shores with infrastructure to the remaining undeveloped land

Funding a Parks and Recreation Department along with build-out of a park in the Bluff Point Region

If you would like to make a donation to help with materials or signs that would also be appreciated and can be accepted via the Support button on the website, or simply mailing a check. Thank you and well wishes for you and our town!